As the world gets used to a “new normal” after the peak of the pandemic – and two months offline necessary to complete the intensive overhaul of the London Scottie Club website – we are delighted to announce that since 1 June 2021 we are back!
Bursting with new features as well as a modern layout, the website is once more open to you.
Members profiles have a snazzy (aka sympathetic) new make-over and there are new features such as an Offers page where members and non-members can purchase merchandise. As we celebrated 5 years in March, we present some smart silver cufflinks which can be worn by him and her.
We have also upgraded the membership status of Scottie owners. There are now two types: Members who have a Scottie dog and live no more than 20 miles outside of the M25 orbital motorway area of Greater London, and Honorary Members who either don’t have a Scottie dog at present or live beyond our London zone. But we never abandon our members. So if you have moved away from London you can remain an Honorary member. In all cases, membership remains FREE.
Members and Honorary Members also have access to our three WhatsApp groups: Alerts, Convo and Smart Mart. You are automatically signed into all three, but only Alerts is mandatory in order to remain a member of London Scottie Club. So make sure you download the free WhatsApp app for your smartphone today!
Associate members who used to qualify for free newsletters have been retired. Newsletters are now only available as part of the Member and Honorary Member system, as is access to our three WhatsApp groups.
We hope to build more Tips pages for members and non-members, and our news and podcasts remain free for everyone to enjoy.
We look forward to the next five years with a new website. We welcome your comments about the site as well.
George and the LSC Team