Scotties didn’t much care England was grand slammed by Ireland in the Rugby at nearby Twickenham Stadium – handing the Irish their third-ever Six Nations trophy alongside 1948 and 2009 – they wore their green on what was, after all, St Patrick’s Day on March 17. If anything, they are Scottish Terriers and likely were happy to learn of Scotland beating Italy in the tournament.
Driving snow made driving a motor difficult so we were delighted that members managed to turn out for the event at all. Hamish was there – and it turns out he shares his birthday with Pudding. They were both born on 1 April and that means they will glow in the Easter Parade this year.
It was also good to see Ben and Jann and to catch up on events since the group last met in December.

Pudding sporting a spot of green on his bandana. Photo George
Some of the pooches were suitably wearing green to mark St Patrick’s Day. You can see some of the photos in the gallery below.
With the weather very cold and snow on the ground, we decided to stick to the good Oirish tradition of some fine Guinness, nibbles and banter in the warm, dog-friendly pub where we met.
While still tucking in, we heard about a salmonella outbreak in the Fulham area of London which had resulted in a lot of poorly dogs in the past few weeks. Salmonella can pass from canine to canine. So take care until this runs its course if you are over there.
And we learned from young Dan what we are missing by not being on Snapchat. That is now in the process of being resolved!
In fact, this video (above) was made using Snapchat. Pudding thought it was snowing Shamrocks!
Members were also excited to hear about Sonya’s news of a new pup which she hopes to collect in April. It is now confirmed the little Wheaten Scottie will be named Phoenix.
Our next event will – hopefully – include some better weather and we might even see Sonya at that gig with her pup, now four weeks old. The next event will be held on Saturday, 12 May. The venue has yet to be decided and we will firm it up via whatsapp in the weeks ahead. April? Well, as the Prince song says it “Sometimes it Snows in April”.
Ben sitting pretty. Photo Sharon H
Pikush with a green bow and ribbon. Photo George
Pudding looking sheepish. How much booze was in that bowl? Photo Sharon H
Pikush. Photo by Sharon H
Ben with green ribbon. Photo George
Hamish. Photo Sharon H
Pudding. Photo George
Some of the Scottie owners owning up!
Ah, that's what it's all about