Light-hearted trivia to graduate you to Mastermind. Compiled by Fraser Grant

Did Ye Ken?
(Doric for Did You Know?)
How to beef up Britain’s Biggest Scottie Conversation
At London Scottie Club we are chuffed at just how popular our WhatsApp messenger groups have become, and we want to help Members get the most out of these. Since 2017, we have launched three WhatsApp channels to cater for different needs. Two of...
Scottie Directories are here
The TIPS sections of the website have just become more of a buzz. Today we launched the first entry on our new Directories. These list places that are Scottie friendly and chosen by our membership. No sponsorship or advertising is involved, and the...
The quest for tackiness and a shocking discovery
Re-paw-ter Douglas’s “Did ye ken?” A wee series of fascinating facts about Scottish Terriers by Douglas. Two: The quest for tackiness and a shocking discovery. Did ye ken that o all the dug memorabilia oot there, the highest proportion o it is...
A brief wee history o’ Scotties and a famous statue o’ a braw wee dug
Re-paw-ter Douglas’s “Did ye ken?” A wee series of fascinating facts about Scottish Terriers by Douglas One: A brief wee history o’ Scotties and a famous statue o’ a braw wee dug. Youse probably a’ ken aboot this wee dug here in the picture. He’s...
Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin RBA (1870-1935)
London Scottie Club is always on the lookout for the rare, unknown and forgotten in this section of our website. And we were alerted to the works of Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin, an illustrator and artist who worked on adverts for brands like...
Wee dram featured on James Bond movie
When walking your Scottie, you have probably had people walk up at some point and say that the dog looks like one featured on Whyte and Mackay Scotch whisky bottles. And you have probably had to set their record straight that they actually meant a...