By Zelda Malan

On October 8th, in a leafy avenue next to the Peter Pan Statue, Kensington Gardens, a number of wagging Scotties greeted each other.

Fresh from the Insta Red Carpet, celebrity VIP’s and their friends gathered for the Autumn London Scottie Club Walkabout.

The weather was hardly autumnal. At a balmy 24 degrees the sun shone in a cloudless sky, perfect weather for a walkabout.

As more and more Scotties arrived, with their pawrents, the avenue became host to a babble of excited voices and Scottie chat, ( drowning out any mythical Pan Pipe Vibes in the air ).

Many familiar faces appeared. It was lovely to greet again all the VIP’s who have become such a fixture of the Walkabouts. New to the events were Graham with black Nessie, Charles with Mac, Hannah with Bobby, Amanda with wheaten Nessie, Karen Randall, Heather and Craig, and Jessica with divine puppy Bondy.

Introductions made, the Scotties lined up for the official Photoshoot, admired by the crowd of passers-by. Obviously, they all behaved with dignity and poise as befits the breed!

The group, now 19 Scotties strong with 28 attending humans, moved away at an erratic Scottie pace. Following Doug with the Cake Trolley, we meandered with much chatting towards a tea kiosk by the Round Pond. Blonde Bombshell Nessie and Lady A. kept a sharp eye out for squirrels and a sniffin’ nose for fox trails.

Reaching a shady piece of lawn, rugs were spread out and dogs were optionally let off the leads.

A Sausage Frenzy.

Once we were seated, the treats emerged. Glyn, opening a bag, was immediately submerged by five keen Scotties, tongues out, mouths thrust hopefully forward. Karen’s handbag was pillaged repeatedly by Archie and Bobby.

The sausages made their appearance and the dogs, of course, loved them.

Mole managed to increase his share by performing a spirited ‘roll’ repeatedly. Lady A’s begging trick earned sausages and applause. Unfortunately her tiara slipped a bit as over-excitement took her and she was retired to her blanket!

Tartuffe hopefully worked the field of carelessly placed rucksacks in search of crumbs.

An excited Lexi contributed a vocal soundtrack to the party, which rose to fever pitch if another breed of dog had the temerity to pass the assembled Scotties!

Doug’s marvellous cake construction was a huge success. Home made or not? No one cared and ate it all with relish. Thank you, Doug!

Time, Gentlemen, please.

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