One thing you don’t expect around your pet dog. For them to go missing. When it happens we hope that communities are able to find your dog and return them safely and swiftly. But what if months pass and no news? That’s the nightmare that our guest Catriona Hudson endures every waking hour since July when one of her Scotties, Bowie, vanished from home. While most owners would mount a hunt, Catriona has gone several extra miles to find her missing Scottie. Press, BBC Radio, social media, as well as community bulletins. And now London Scottie Radio. Catriona shares her story with London Scottie Club. And in our report earlier this week she shared some do’s and don’ts if your dog is at risk of being dog napped. Read here.
If you have any information which could lead to locating Bowie, Catriona has included the following contact details from her search campaign poster for your assistance:
Identibase: 0330 9128077 quoting reference 54839
Drop him off at the nearest Vet or message us through his FB page Bring Our Boy Home