Bronte has a wine chiller jacket around her neck to stay cool!
How do you cool a Scottie in the very hot July weather in the UK? Cath Marchbank comes up with some super tips on staying cool. And meet Hermes – the Scottie and owner rescued from Mariupol, Ukraine and coming to Britain. STECS has helped Hermes through quarantine. If you have a question for Scottie MOT and you have a Scottie dog, please complete the online radio form at www.Scottie.Scot and we will try to answer it in a future edition of Scottie MOT.

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George we really enjoyed listening to this latest podcast, great tips about how to help our Scotties in this hot weather.
Rocky is doing his best to be sensible, currently lying adjacent to our limestone fireplace which is always cool. It’s a favourite position of his!
We sadly won’t be joining the deferred walkabout next weekend, one of us (not Maxine!) has a ruptured achilles and out of action until at least September – injury happened in May.
Enjoy yourselves, and we hope to see you all again soon!
Thanks for your feedback on the latest podcast John
Looks like it was timely as heatwave persists.
Very sorry to hear you are unwell. Speedy recovery and see you soon.