Scottie Walkabout Rules

Scottie Walkabout Rules

London Scottie Club wants all of its members to enjoy our quarterly events, and to ensure this respects everyone’s privacy and fosters safety, a sense of community and fun. This is why we are introducing some rules that are necessary to ensure orderly and successful...
Scottie Club drops the “London”

Scottie Club drops the “London”

London Scottie Club is re-branding. From 1 November 2024, we are dropping the “London” from our name. We are also adding “UK” to our logo, so that overseas readers can better understand who we are. A new logo is unveiled today and will become...
Mourning a Founding VIP Gentleman

Mourning a Founding VIP Gentleman

This week, my family had to deliver the sad news that one of our two Scottish Terriers had passed away. We were very grateful for all the comfort in reflections that Members of the London Scottie Club provided, as many of you knew my dog personally. The WhatsApp Convo...
Scotties Monopolise Leeds

Scotties Monopolise Leeds

One of the iconic additions to the Monopoly board game is a Scottish Terrier. Voted as the token that board game players most want Monopoly to retain, the Scottish Terrier now looms large in the capital of Yorkshire. Anyone visiting Leeds is unlikely to miss the...
Exit Poll-Landslide support for June Walkabout

Exit Poll-Landslide support for June Walkabout

Many of you will have attended the 29 June Walkabout in Rickmansworth Aquadrome, our quarterly venture to various parks and other suitable places to walk our Scotties and meet fellow Members. This time, however, we asked those who attended to complete a special...