Scottie lover Louise Fuller grieves the loss of Mary, her rescued Scottie. Hear about the early life Mary endured before she found a family that changed her life for the better. London Scottie Radio invites listeners to come forward to tell their story, just the way...
Losing a Scottie during a routine walk can be a very distressing feeling. Made worse when nearly a week passes and search action turns to helpless anxiety. This week one Scottie was found. Hear how Andrea Holmes Skinner was reunited with her Tinker, involving...
The cost of living crisis in the UK continues. While our Scottie MOT podcast has featured past editions on the cost of maintaining a Scottie, a jump in the number of Scotties being rehomed by our friends at STECS means we are devoting this episode to ways to manage,...
If dogs could blush, this would be the moment. London Scottie Radio, the podcast service of London Scottie Club, has just been voted a top-30 provider of news in London. London Scottie Radio EP 36: Voted Top-30 London news podcast Play Episode Pause Episode...
This week the idyllic islands of New Zealand were devastated by a cyclone causing the country to declare only its third-ever state of emergency in its history. Two London Scottie Club members have uprooted from London and live in NZ. We catch up with one of them, Ed...
Hallowe’en is nearly upon us. And that means something nutritious for our Scotties too. Pumpkin is the key word. But did you know there are two categories of pumpkin? Carving …Read More »
London Scottie Club wants all of its members to enjoy our quarterly events, and to ensure this respects everyone’s privacy and fosters safety, a sense of community and fun. This …Read More »
London Scottie Club is re-branding. From 1 November 2024, we are dropping the “London” from our name. We are also adding “UK” to our logo, so that overseas readers can …Read More »
Guidance: The author is a Scottie owner and dog diet enthusiast, but not a qualified vet or dietician. Please be sure you can identify Hawthorn berries if picking, and consult …Read More »
Battersea Park, an oasis of green space in South London was the venue for the latest London Scottie Club (LSC) walkabout on 29 September. Much drama has occurred here historically, …Read More »