A Scottie Walkabout in December is always venturing into a challenge because families are busy getting ready for the holiday season, quite rightly.

So it was a blessing to see attendance of Scotties at our last get-together of 2023 run into double digits when London Scottie Club members arrived at Hampstead Heath in north London on Sunday.

This is the hub for joggers and film stars and producers. But on Sunday it was the Scotties who were the showstoppers. A fair few members of the public stopped to take their photos. And our funniest moment was when someone approached to ask “are they all Cairn Terriers?”

We were able to meet many club regular members plus their VIPs, but it was also a delight to greet Oksana and Chris who are members that came two hours down the M11 from Cambridge to be with us. We also welcomed our youngest ever participant Lexi, Graham’s 2 year old daughter !

The sun shone for the entirety of the 2-hour walk and it was the first Walkabout that I organised with my husband Doug for London Scottie Club.

The pace was comfy and no one got lost. No one suffered a hamstring injury? yet it was not a standstill either.

We started just after midday and trekked towards the auspiciously-named Parliament Hill. This vantage point offers spectacular views of the London City skyline.

The dogs were well behaved as always. But a few large dogs negotiated around this clan of Scotties, nervous not to put a paw wrong!

We are delighted to announce that Glyn Lee and John Watkins have agreed to become London Scottie Club Meeting Marshals for 2024. They will also join Fraser Grant on the LSC Coordination Committee, which meets quarterly to plan events and improve the club for its members. Zelda Malan resigned from the committee recently because of work commitments. We thank Zelda for her contribution and positive approach to the club over the past two years. Both Glyn and John are stalwarts of LSC and I don’t think a single Walkabout happens without at least one of them attending. As Meeting Marshals, they will plan Walkabouts and help coordinate Walkabouts to ensure a safe and fun environment for attendees. But please remember that owners are responsible for the wellbeing of their Scotties on all Walkabouts. Expect more initiatives from LSC in 2024! Festive best wishes to you!  George Matlock

Everyone had a great time. Afterwards most of us adjourned to a nearby pub and were able to sit outside and enjoy mulled wine or other hot drinks. Who would have thought it possible in mid-December?

And in the pub garden we already started to plan the next walkabout which will be in March and held in west London. Details will be announced only via the Members’ WhatsApp groups of London Scottie Club.

Below you can survey some of the photos in our gallery. These photos were captured by the members who attended on Sunday. You can see what you missed. Remember, Walkabouts are now held quarterly each year. See you on the next Walkabout, the first of 2024!

Happy holidays to all of you and your Scotties! And the very best for 2024!


Glyn & Doug Lee
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