Coming in “with a bang” on November 5, we will be launching a series of podcasts called “Scottie MOT”. The series will invite guest presenters who are experienced Scottish Terrier owners or those who work with Scotties. Our resident guest presenter will be Cath Marchbank, whom many of you know in the club already and is the Welfare Officer of the Scottie rescue charity STECS.
So if you have Scottie problems you would like answered during the podcast, please use the Contact Us form on the website to submit your question. We will then try to answer it in the next podcast episode. As guest presenters are not necessarily professionally qualified: if we cannot answer, we will not. But keep the questions coming because many questions we will endeavour to answer. And you do not need to be a London Scottie Club member. If the question is interesting and we feel we can offer some Comhairle (to use the Gaelic word for Advice) then we will! Thanks for your support.

In case your Scotties are looking decidedly peculiar!
You can tune in to our Scottie MOT podcasts from the main Scotify web page which is home to all our London Scottie Radio podcasts. But the most convenient way is to subscribe to us via one of the podcast app links that accompanies each podcast episode or use any other favourite podcast player you are familiar with. Just look for “London Scottie Radio (powered by London Scottie Club)”.
So if you subscribe via one of the podcast apps we mentioned, or many other apps that we did not, rest assured you will get all the podcast episodes from us. Happy listening!