Few articles are as difficult to write as those to remember Scotties who have crossed the “rainbow bridge”. Therefore, we are so very grateful to the several members who chose to write in for this article.
But it is one of the roles of a community such as the London Scottie Club to come together, even in these virtual times, to comfort owners who lost their beloved Scotties. And we lost several Scotties in 2020. Some of the owners are featured here. And club members rallied around to offer comfort and support via our WhatsApp Convo group to owners who bereave.
One of the first Scotties to join the club, and sadly also the first to be lost from our membership, was Captain. I remember helping Sonya to give her 7-year old Captain a dignified send-off on a sunny autumnal day in her garden a few years ago. Holding Captain in a blanket and helping dig a burial ground and protecting it with lime against predators. Delivering flowers and saying a little prayer. It affected me then. It still affects me today. A difficult role but precisely why a club that cares is important.
Today I passed a billboard at a London bus stop. It exclaimed: “All I want for Christmas is 2021”. Not many passengers will dispute that.
A compilation of Scotties lost during the already dreadful year 2020 is the heart and soul of this article. We also include some lost in earlier years. These are accounts from their owners, those who knew those Scotties the best.
We also announce that from 2021 All Saints Day 1 November will be marked as the day we remember our lost Scotties. Who knows? Perhaps by 1 November 2021 we will all be able to meet again.
Before we introduce the amazing stories of Scotties lost, it seems appropriate with Christmas just around the corner to recite the poem written with dogs of all breeds in mind by a very famous Scottie owner, the incomparable Rudyard Kipling.
A Dog for Jesus (Where dogs go when they die)
I wish someone had given Jesus a dog. As loyal and loving as mine. To sleep by His manger and gaze in His eyes And adore Him for being divine.
As our Lord grew to manhood His faithful dog, Would have followed Him all through the day. While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well And knelt in the garden to pray. It is sad to remember that Christ went away. To face death alone and apart. With no tender dog following close behind, To comfort its Master’s Heart. And when Jesus rose on Easter mourn, How happy He would have been, As His dog kissed His hand and barked it’s delight, For The One who died for all men.
Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent Him mine. The old pal so dear to me. And I smile through my tears on this first day alone, Knowing they’re in eternity. Day after day, the whole day through, Wherever my road inclined, Four feet said, “Wait, I’m coming with you!” And trotted along behind.
Rudyard Kipling
Here are the stories of those lost Scotties, told by their owners.

When we decided to have a Scottie we knew that we were ahead of a special journey. Kuro was the best four legged companion we could have ever asked for.
He was a handsome and love giving dog with a very special personality where cuddles and salmon were always a must. Through his every day actions Kuro made us very happy, filled our lives with love and laughs and taught us to enjoy every day, every little moment and the company with our loved ones as if it was always the first and the last.
Because of those moments, without you realising, these will help you to become better people, and be prepared to have the strength to continue in your journey once these lovely creatures decide to leave this world.
Thank you Kuro, we love you and you will always be in our hearts and souls. Miss you bud, miss you Kuro-san!
The two people you made better humans
Thank you so much!!
Comment from Editors: Two photos of Kuro feature in the 2021 London Scottie Club calendar. At the time judges selected photos they were neither aware that Kuro had recently passed away nor that they had chosen two photos of the same dog. It was meant to be.

I have lost two great scotties which were siblings. The one that I have attached was Sonny’s aunt the other that I am going to try to send via my phone is Sonny’s father which not sure will be successful but here goes.
Swe Ch/ Ch Brio Inquizitive 06/02/06 – 05/01/18 (12yrs) Jemma
Brio Quizzical 06/02/06 – 29/01/19 (13yrs) Jet and he is Sonny’s father
Barbara (the handstripper of Scotties featured in LSC videos)
Video featuring Pip (rolling in the snow) who died in 2019, along with Bertie who still blossoms
16 August 2006 – 8 July 2019
Independent and stubborn, sensitive to praise and blame. Intelligent and hilarious. Leader of the guarding of our home with her very vocal approach to cats and squirrels in the garden …..and to Bertie, second in command.
Those short legs could go far in the royal parks she frequented, especially on one particular occasion (9 miles!) when I had a marathon to run the following day!

Womble Beatrice Bear

Womble Beatrice Bear
Womble Beatrice Bear
23.01.2013 to 11.10.2020
Why have one name when you could have three? My Womble Bear was born in a little town in North Wales, to a family home and her father Barni Bear lived close by with another friend. Womble was my first ever Scottie and in my search for her, I’d already decided she would be called Womble – for tootling about with a long nose and wise thoughts! Then I feared she didn’t sound very Scottish – so added Beatrice meaning “bringer of joy” and that she did!
Womble was the prettiest little Scottie I’ve ever met, she had a face full of smiles and delight with very long eye lashes. Her front paws were definitely Daddy Bear paws which she used to wave at people in greeting with great effect, followed by frequent whisker wiping on trousers/legs – she didn’t like to be handled or picked up particularly, but dished out a huge amount of love on her own terms from the ground.
Wom had a repertoire of Scottie words to add to her charms – from squeaks and rumbles to full scale woofs and of course the dearest Aroooo. Before she resorted to vocals though, she would bash you in the leg with her nose, then sit back and await a response, if none forthcoming – then she would snap her chops like a little crocodile. Finally a rumble and heaven forbid you failed to fulfil her requests, you were then properly woofed at!
The unnecessary expenditure of energy was closely observed, and the last 100 yards of any walk, particularly if you were returning to the car, were taken at a determined Womble Walk with absolutely no hurrying. However squirrels, cats and deer were seen off at speed and in full voice. Spiders were devoured on command. When running and playing with her companions she was the master of deceit, though perhaps not the fastest, her ambush and body blow tactics were exemplary, and at full tilt especially downhill, Womble pulled off the most amazing 360 degree spins which I affectionately called her Doughnuts. She usually did one or two at a time, but once did three in a row like a spinning top! It always befuddled the chasing opposition so that she emerged clearly the champion even if she hadn’t won the race.
Her favourite activity – apart from ratting at which she is an expert and swift killer, was having a jolly good roll – especially in the frost or snow. She never rolled in anything stinky – though sheep poo was her snack of choice.
A more dear, loyal or gorgeous Scottie I will never know – I was so very blessed to have Womble by my side for 7 years.

Captain 17.3.10 – 27.10.17
Captain, my first Scottish Terrier, much longed for, and beloved by many. He moved into my house at 10 weeks old as my new flat mate and very quickly took charge. From day one, he never paid a day’s rent or picked up the hoover or a duster. Like no dog I have ever owned before, Captain was a small scotty with huge personality, a quirky, feisty, sociable dog. He was very popular in the neighbourhood.
Everyone knew Captain. One year, I even got a Christmas Card with the inscription, “to Captain and owner”. Although Captain and tenant would have been a more apt description!
He was a great TV watcher, almost an addict. I had to monitor his viewing habit. His favourite programmes were “Battersea dog’s home and Crufts dog show. He could watch them to their conclusion, staying in position during commercial breaks until the credits rolled. I think Captain’s favourite thing in life was “his” visitors. He was the perfect host always greeting them rapturously with happy rolls, making them feel most welcome.
He was an enthusiastic member of my photography club, and enjoying the position of mascot of the club, after it was noted how he looked after everybody on photography walks, waiting for and rounding up stragglers. He was my flatmate, my beautiful friend and assistant, my loyal companion, taken too soon by lymphoma of the liver, never forgotten, always missed.
What a moving collection of bravely written tributes to much loved, characterful family members. Thank you for setting this up for us all and thank you to all the contributors.
All these Scotties sound wonderful. I wish my boy Scottie had met Womble. I thought he alone stamped his paws and smacked his chops if he wanted something. He and Wom would have been thick as thieves and she could have honed his ratting skills, which 5 years into his life remain rudimentary, enthusiastic but only occasionally successful!
This piece makes me recall all the past Scotties in my life and makes me grateful my life has always included at least one Scottie family member. Love to everyone who has lost a Scottie