Become a member today
The Benefits? It's FREE but much more!
You don’t have to live in London to support a London football team. Same applies with London Scottie Club. Whether or not you live in London you will belong to London’s social club for Scotties. And very sociable and welcoming to all it is!
The benefits
- Your dog will feature on our website
- Special group deals the club can secure
- Admission to our Walkabout meetings
- Share banter with your pals via LSC WhatsApp groups
- News via LSC email newsletters
- Receive a Member Tag
- Admission to the London Scottie Club Heatmap
- Best of all, this is all FREE!
There is no expiry date of membership, so nothing to be gained by delaying and lots to lose! Please complete our online form below to become a Member. To clarify, the owners become the Members and the dogs become VIPs (Very Important Pooches).
WhatsApp Groups – stay “in the loop”

Get the taste for WhatsApp groups!
We always give you the option to say “no”. But we would prefer if you try it first and say “yes”. WhatsApp messages can be limited to infrequent official club announcements called Alerts, such as details of the next Walkabout (which are not published anywhere else). We carry out occasional surveys that benefit Scottie owners. Or you can join in the all-day chat of Convo and access our Scottie community. In Convo members can warmly welcome you to the club and wish your dog a happy birthday. But none of this is possible if you are not in the loop with our WhatsApp groups. Remember, you can always exit later if you prefer. Or you can mute messages from Convo if you want some temporary peace.
So after reading on, please complete the online form about your dog(s) and submit. It’s a no-brainer. We reserve the right to then publish your responses in our “Meet The Very Important Pooches” section of the website aka “Our VIPs”. We also add you to the London Scottie Club Heatmap. Don’t worry, we don’t reveal contact details nor share precise locations with anyone. All data is held in accordance with the GDPR rules which came into force in May 2018.
You are responsible for the content you provide and encouraged to check that the entry online reflects fairly your form submission below.
Memberships will only be processed 4 times a year, around 10 days prior to our next quarterly Walkabout (dates published in the Planner on the Home page). You can still apply any time but please be patient as to when you will be admitted to the club and keep in mind you will be admitted either after mid-March, mid-June, mid-September or mid-December.
How to complete the form
Please ensure you complete a new form for each Scottie you own.
Make sure that your photo of your Scottie is clear and the dog can be easily recognised in the image. No other dogs or persons should be in the photo. Think of it like a passport photo.
Conditions for completing this form:
- You have one or more Scottish Terrier dogs, and
- You live in London at time of application.
If you satisfy both of these conditions, you can become a Member. If you satisfy no more than one condition, you can still become an Honorary Member – read on!
If you don’t have a Scottie dog, you cannot complete the form, obviously. In that case, please contact us and tell us why we should consider you for Honorary membership. Those planning to have a Scottie or who previously had a Scottie should contact us instead of completing this form. Many people ask where to find a Scottie puppy. While we cannot endorse breeders and do not provide a finder’s directory we will only respond to your requests of this nature if you have first applied to join as an Honorary Member. Our Members/Honorary Members come first!
We are based in London, UK. But Members can be anywhere in the UK. Those outside of London but within the UK will be Honorary Members. Those who have a Scottie but live outside of UK can no longer join the London Scottie Club.
Honorary Members can join free and also benefit from free email newsletters and access to our popular WhatsApp groups. However, Honorary Members can only join our Walkabouts by prior written approval and do not ordinarily receive a Member Tag and will not be included in the London Scottie Club Heatmap,
Professional breeders are not allowed to join London Scottie Club. Sorry. Only non-commercial breeders can join. And if you have a litter of puppies please resist adding information to your membership form about the puppies. Similarly please do not use the form to promote websites or products.
Members: By including your UK mobile phone number you consent to being added to our WhatsApp Messenger groups (if you Opt-in using the application form) and London-based members will receive a Member Tag which you must present at events you attend hosted by London Scottie Club.
We have three WhatsApp Messenger groups: Alerts, Convo and Smart Mart. By default, you get signed up to all three. You are encouraged to download WhatsApp to your smartphone, which is free. You may exit the WhatsApp groups at any time if not for you.
By completing all fields of the application form below you make it easier for members to become your pals.
Thanks for your interest in the London Scottie Club.
Now, scroll down to complete the short online form, and let’s become friends!