Battersea Park, an oasis of green space in South London was the venue for the latest London Scottie Club (LSC) walkabout on 29 September. Much drama has occurred here historically, …Read More »
This week, my family had to deliver the sad news that one of our two Scottish Terriers had passed away. We were very grateful for all the comfort in reflections …Read More »
One of the iconic additions to the Monopoly board game is a Scottish Terrier. Voted as the token that board game players most want Monopoly to retain, the Scottish Terrier …Read More »
Many of you will have attended the 29 June Walkabout in Rickmansworth Aquadrome, our quarterly venture to various parks and other suitable places to walk our Scotties and meet fellow …Read More »
And they came, all eighteen of them, from every corner of the land, on a very special, sunny Saturday afternoon, at the end of June. It was our first-ever invasion …Read More »