London Scottie Radio

EP 39: Collared! Missing Mary

Scottie lover Louise Fuller grieves the loss of Mary, her rescued Scottie. Hear about the early life Mary endured before she found a family that changed her life for the better. London Scottie Radio invites listeners to come forward to tell their story, just the way Louise did.
EP 38: Collared! Missing Scottie Found

Losing a Scottie during a routine can be a very distressing feeling. Made worse when nearly a week passes and search action turns to helpless anxiety. This week one Scottie was found. Hear how Andrea Holmes Skinner was reunited with her Tinker, involving airbourne drones and community spirit next to a busy road just north of London. Find out how to avoid scammers trying to profit from your emotional distress and how to mount a social media campaign. Volunteers at nationwide DogLost can help you in such an emergency and reputable drone volunteers operate via Facebook, such as this group. All links supplied by Andrea. Don’t be ripped off by people who ask for cash. And let’s hope you never need their services.
EP 37: Scottie MOT | Cath Marchbank
The cost of living...
EP 36: Voted Top-30 London news podcast

If dogs could blush, this would be the moment. London Scottie Radio, the podcast service of London Scottie Club, has just been voted a top-30 provider of news in London.
EP 35: Collared! Guest storms onto show

This week the idyllic islands of New Zealand were devastated by a cyclone causing the country to declare only its third-ever state of emergency in its history.
EP 34: Blog on the Go | A Scottie Snow Ball

Hello fellow readers and listeners. This is Amy from the London Scottie Club newsroom. I have a wee small announcement I would like to make.
For the first time we have combined to bring you audio and our text articles together! From now on, you will be able to listen to our articles as podcasts as well as read them on the website. The idea was first introduced in 2016 and we called it “Blog On The Go”. Well, now it is really here. We will not select everything that we post on the website. But we will select articles that we feel will be suited to podcasts. Be sure to subscribe to our podcasts from your favourite podcast player app. And be sure to visit our website to see cute Scotties and their amazing stories. Here’s our first story, A Scottie Snow Ball.
Have a question about health of your Scottie?
Please be aware that presenters on the podcast responding to your question are not medically-qualified veterinary surgeons but have many years of extensive experience working with Scottish Terriers. They provide their time and knowledge without monetary reward.