Meet The Very Important Pooches



    • Girl
    • Dog date of birth: 19 November 2013
    • Owner: Lois
    • Country:
    • Have you had your dog since they were puppies?: No
    • Was your dog a rescue dog?: No
    • How long have you been parent to Scotties?: 34 years
    • Do you have any Scottie Dog memorabilia? If yes, what kind?:

      Ornaments, mugs etc

    • Highlights of my dog’s life:

      Maisie flew from Brisbane, Australia with her Scottie brother Ewan in 2015 to live in Southend. Maisie and Ewan didn’t enjoy their journey much and so when their owners made the decision to move to New Zealand, they made decision to rehome them both. Ewan had already gone and so I was lucky enough to take Maisie home.

      Maisie is such a dear little dog and is the centre of my world ❤️

What our members say about their Scottie


Mr Mungo

Mr Mungo and the UFO (written by the man himself): As the only man in the house it is my job to patrol the estate and keep all the ladies safe. I was doing my usual checks, peering with one eye through the gap between the gate and gate post, and when I turned round there was a very large, round, green object floating about in the garden. Clearly from outer space and extremely dangerous. Keeping a safe distance I gave that object what for, as it floated about the garden. Told the wife, Nessie, to keep back, as she was foolish enough to try to have a closer look. Eventually we had to evacuate and beat a hasty retreat inside. The next morning we found it collapsed in the garden, so I’d clearly scared it to death. Mum said it met the rose bush, but what would she know about defeating UFOs! Nessie was amazed at my braveness. Wish I could show you all my video of the conflict!

Ready to share tender moments?

Our mission is to recognise, celebrate and promote best practices for keeping Scottish Terrier Dogs, to mutually support our members, and make the general public aware of this complicated, special and rare breed.